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Steps to Take if You Are Facing Deportation in Illinois

 Posted on October 17, 2023 in Immigration

Itasca immigration lawyerBeing served a Notice to Appear for removal proceedings can be terrifying. However, working quickly alongside an attorney can help you pause or stop deportation. Fighting your case and figuring out all possible defenses takes strategic action. An Illinois lawyer can help you build a solid case to prove why you should stay in the country.

You Need Legal Representation Right Away

Contacting a lawyer right after receiving the notice will give your attorney the lead time to build the most robust case possible. Illinois has a Right to Counsel Act. They will evaluate your situation, identify any grounds to contest removal and handle communications with immigration officials on your behalf.

Gather Relevant Documentation

Work closely with your lawyer to gather documents relevant to your immigration, criminal, and personal history. This includes visas, green cards, birth certificates, marriage licenses, tax records, pay stubs, mortgages, leases, and more. Any evidence that supports your ties to the U.S. will bolster your case. Thorough documentation also helps identify potential defenses.

You Can Request a Custody Redetermination

Unless you have committed serious crimes, you may be able to get out of immigration detention while your removal case proceeds. Your attorney can petition for a custody redetermination hearing and argue for your release based on not posing a public safety risk or flight risk. Freedom during the process helps with the legal side.

Explore All Forms of Relief

Your lawyer will assess every potential option to halt deportation based on your history and eligibility:

  • Cancellation of removal
  • Change of status
  • Asylum
  • Withholding of removal
  • Protection under the Convention Against Torture
  • Voluntary departure

Evaluate alternatives thoroughly and work with your attorney to pursue the relief strategy offering the greatest chance of success. Formulate backup plans as well.

Prepare a Strong Case Theory

Work with your immigration lawyer to develop a compelling narrative. The narrative will need to explain why you should be permitted to remain in the United States. Touch base on positive factors like family ties, steady employment, community involvement, business ownership, and any hardship you or your relatives may face if deported. Prepare to testify persuasively and gather evidence backing your case theory.

Make sure to attend court hearings and interviews prepared with your attorney. You will need to show your case to the immigration judge or USCIS officer.

Contact an Itasca, IL Immigration Lawyer

Facing potential removal from the United States is daunting. However, a DuPage County, IL immigration attorney paired with diligent case-building can help. Call Unzueta Law Group, P.C. at 630-509-2363 to start building a solid case.

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