Employment Based Immigration Lawyers in DuPage County

Bensenville Attorneys for Work-Related Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visas
As the global economy continues to grow, it should come as little surprise that many American companies have a vested interest in sponsoring foreign nationals to come work in the United States. At Unzueta Law Group, P.C., our experienced immigration lawyers work with businesses of all types and sizes to get the required visas for their non-citizen employees. We understand that the U.S. government offers a variety of different work-related visas, and we are equipped to help you decide which option best suits your needs. Our team will also assist you in completing and filing the necessary paperwork so that you remain in full compliance with all applicable laws.
Temporary Work Visas in Northern Illinois
Federal immigration laws provide temporary work visas for foreign nationals who wish to work in the U.S. for a short time. These visas are considered "non-immigrant" visas because they are not necessarily intended to provide a path to permanent resident status or U.S. citizenship. Our attorneys can help you obtain any type of non-immigrant work visa, including:
- H Visas: H visas are used by American companies looking to hire foreign nationals or students for jobs that entail particular skills, experience, or knowledge;
- L Visas: Sometimes called Intracompany Transfers, L visas allow international companies to bring their existing foreign employees to work in the United States; and
- E Visas: E Visas facilitate trade between the United States and nations with whom the U.S. maintains commerce agreements. Business traders and investors can obtain E visas to conduct business within the U.S. subject to the terms of the trade agreement between the U.S. and the person's home country.
Immigrant Visas and Green Cards for Foreign Workers
Every year, the United States government offers a certain quantity of employment-based visas (EB visas) that allow workers to remain and work in the U.S. permanently. In most cases, EB visas are given to those with specialized skills or whose work is deemed valuable to the United States. A preference system has been established for processing immigrant work visa applications:
- EB-1: Applicants with extraordinary talents or abilities, including Nobel Prize winners, prestigious educators, and executives of multinational companies, receive first preference;
- EB-2: Applicants with advanced academic degrees receive second preference;
- EB-3: Applicants who are skilled or professional workers receive third preference;
- EB-4: Applicants who are religious workers or current and former U.S. government employees receive fourth preference; and
- EB-5: Applicants who plan to start a business that would create employment opportunities for U.S. citizens receive fifth preference.
Meeting Your Needs in Schaumburg and Rolling Meadows
If you own a business in the United States and are interested in bringing in a foreign national to work for you, it is important to understand the challenges that might lie ahead. The attorneys at Unzueta Law Group, P.C. will meet with you to discuss your situation and to help you determine the best course of action for you and your company. At every stage of the application process, we will make sure that your best interests are fully protected as are the rights of your intended employee.
Contact Us Today
For more information about employment-based immigration matters, contact our office. Call 630-509-2363 for a reduced cost consultation with a member of our team today. Unzueta Law Group, P.C. serves clients in Bensenville, Schaumburg, Rolling Meadows, Addison, Elk Grove Village, Wood Dale, DuPage County, Cook County, and the rest of Northern Illinois.

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