DuPage County E Visa Attorneys

Lawyers in Bensenville for Treaty Trader and Investor Visas
The United States of America has entered into treaties and trade agreements with dozens of countries around the world. These agreements are designed to facilitate commerce between these so-called "treaty countries" and the United States. In order for foreign trade to function, investors and representatives from businesses in treaty countries must enter and stay in the U.S. periodically—sometimes for extended periods at a time.
At Unzueta Law Group, P.C., our experienced attorneys are adept at helping treaty traders and investors secure visas known as E-visas that allow them to conduct the business operations inside the United States. If you are a non-U.S. citizen living in another country, and you are looking to conduct trade or invest in an American business, we can assist you in getting the visa you need.
Understanding Types of E Visas
According to the U.S. State Department, a foreign national who is a citizen of a treaty country may petition for an E visa for the purpose of coming to the U.S. to:
- Engage or participate in "substantial trade" in qualifying activities between the U.S. and the person's home country; or
- Direct and develop the operations of a trade-related venture in which the foreign national has invested significant capital.
Examples of enterprises that are considered "trade" related to E visas include insurance, international banking, transportation, communications, and tourism.
There are two primary types of E visas available, and the appropriate type depends on the nature of the foreign national's business in the United States:
- Treaty Trader Visa: An E-1 visa is called a Treaty Trader visa, and it is meant for essential employees of a company that engages in substantial trade between a treaty country and the United States. Essential employees are managers, executives, and those with highly specialized skills. Ordinarily skilled workers and unskilled workers are not eligible for E-1 visas; and
- Treaty Investor Visa: An E-2 visa is called a Treaty Investor visa, and it is meant for individuals who have invested significant money in an enterprise that is engaged in trade with the United States. The person coming to the U.S. must have control over investment funds and will usually be the principal investor, though exceptions can be made for essential employees who are coming to develop and direct the enterprise.
At Unzueta Law Group, P.C., we realize that there are other, more specific requirements that may apply depending on the situation of each case. If you are looking to come to the United States for trade-related reasons, we will work with you to ensure you fully understand your rights and responsibilities.
Maintaining an E Visa in Northern Illinois
If approved, an E visa is granted for an initial period of two years, but treaty traders and investors can apply for an unlimited number of two-year renewals. It is important to recognize, however, that all E-1 and E-2 non-immigrants must maintain the intention of leaving the United States when their visas expire or are terminated. If the treaty trader or investor decides that he or she no longer wishes to return home when the visa expires, an Adjustment of Status application may be the best course of action, and our attorneys can help.
Contact a Qualified Immigration Attorney
For more information about Treaty Trader or Treaty Investor visas, contact our office. Call 630-509-2363 to schedule a low-cost consultation with a member of our team today. Unzueta Law Group, P.C. serves clients in Bensenville, Schaumburg, Rolling Meadows, DuPage County, Cook County, and the rest of Northern Illinois.

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