DuPage County Citizenship and Naturalization Attorney

Lawyer in Bensenville, IL for Clients Who Wish to Become U.S. Citizens
There are two primary ways to become a legal citizen of the United States. The first way is through your parents. Children of U.S. citizens are generally granted citizenship, as are the children of parents who become citizens before the children turn 18 years old. The other primary path to citizenship is a process called naturalization. Through naturalization, a foreign national may be able to obtain U.S. citizenship, along with all of the rights and responsibilities associated with being a legal citizen.
At Unzueta Law Group, P.C., we help clients throughout Northern Illinois with their naturalization applications. With more than two decades of immigration law experience, our team has the knowledge and resources to help you understand the necessary requirements and to assist you in completing the process as efficiently as possible.
The Importance of Citizenship
There are many benefits and rights that come with U.S. citizenship. When you become a legal American citizen, you are automatically granted the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, including:
- Freedom of speech and the right to express yourself;
- The freedom to worship as you choose;
- The right to vote in public elections; and
- The freedom to travel outside of the United States for as long as you wish.
Once you obtain citizenship through naturalization, you cannot be deported or face removal from the United States for violating the law. Your citizenship is permanent and can only be revoked in extremely rare situations.
Naturalization Requirements
At Unzueta Law Group, P.C., we understand that the requirements to obtain citizenship through naturalization may vary depending on your specific circumstances. However, there are general requirements that apply in most cases including:
- The applicant must be a legal permanent resident, which means that he or she must have a green card;
- The applicant must be at least 18 years old;
- The applicant must have lived in the U.S. for the previous five years. (This requirement may be lowered for spouses of current citizens.) Physical presence considerations may also apply;
- The applicant must show a proficient knowledge of the English language;
- The applicant must show a proficient knowledge of the U.S. government and American history;
- The applicant must pledge allegiance to the United States and the U.S. Constitution; and
- The applicant must demonstrate good moral character. Good moral character typically means avoiding illegal or criminal behavior.
Each naturalization case is different, which means that some of these general requirements might not apply. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that you understand what is required for your situation. We will also help you address any problems or complications that may arise throughout the naturalization process.
Other Citizenship Concerns
In some cases, a person might be eligible for citizenship through his or her parents, which means that naturalization is not necessary. Determining such eligibility, however, can be complicated, as it often depends on many factors that can be challenging to establish or prove. Our lawyers will meet with you to discuss your case and to determine the best way to proceed on the path toward full U.S. citizenship.
Schedule a Consultation
If you would like to learn more about becoming a United States citizen, contact our office. Call 630-509-2363 to schedule a confidential consultation and case review at Unzueta Law Group, P.C. today. Our firm serves individuals and families in Bensenville, Addison, Wood Dale, Roselle, Elk Grove Village, Schaumburg, Cook County, DuPage County, and the rest of Northern Illinois.

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