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What Happens During an ICE Raid?

 Posted on September 16, 2019 in Immigration

DuPage County immigration attorneyUnited States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the governmental agency tasked with governing customs, border control, and immigration. The two primary components of ICE are Enforcement and Removal Operations and Homeland Security Investigations. In July 2019, President Trump announced that ICE will conduct “sweeps” or “raids” to find and arrest undocumented immigrant families. These raids could occur in public spaces, workplaces, and immigrant communities. Read on to learn about what happens during and ICE raid and what to do if you need legal assistance from a deportation and immigration lawyer.

ICE Raid of an Undocumented Immigrant’s Home

It is critically important for undocumented immigrants to know and understand their rights. ICE cannot enter into an individual’s private residence without a warrant. If ICE agents have a valid search warrant or arrest warrant, they have the authority to enter your home. ICE agents may also wait outside of your home until you leave and arrest you outside of your home.

If you are arrested, you must be read your rights and given the option to remain silent. You also have the right to have an attorney present during any police or ICE questioning. It is imperative that you contact an attorney before answering any questions. A qualified immigration lawyer will ensure that your rights are not violated and that you are not tricked into incriminating yourself in any way.

ICE Raid of a Workplace

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 forbids employers from intentionally hiring unauthorized workers. Federal law authorizes ICE agents to coming to a workplace to investigate whether or not an employer is compliant with this and other immigration laws.

During a worksite ICE raid, agents may surround the premises and prevent employees from leaving the property. ICE agents may interview employees about their immigration status, investigate company records, and review I-9 files. ICE officials may also arrest unauthorized employees or company officials who are in violation of the law.

Contact an Itasca Immigration and Deportation Attorney

Facing a possible ICE raid or deportation can be a terrifying and confusing ordeal. The DuPage County immigration attorneys at Unzueta Law Group, P.C. know the difficulties that immigrant families endure. We have extensive legal experience helping immigrants in Illinois protect their rights and plan for their future. To schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your situation, call our office at 630-509-2363 today.


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