What Should I Do if My Visa Application Is Denied in Illinois?
Just because you were not born in this country does not mean you should not be able to make your life here. However, if your visa or green card application is denied, it can feel like a punishment for having been born somewhere else.
While it can certainly be very distressing, a visa denial does not mean your immigration journey is over. If you have been denied a visa or green card, speak with a qualified DuPage County, IL immigration attorney about what you should do next.
Why Was My Application Denied?
When your application for a visa or green card is denied, you will be sent notice of the denial to review. You should receive a detailed explanation of why your application was denied from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the U.S. Department of State (for consular processing). Commons explanations include:
Inaccurate or incomplete paperwork: Your denial might be because of missing documents or inconsistent information.
Ineligibility: All visas and green cards have eligibility requirements. If you do not meet them, your application might be denied.
Inadmissibility: Your applications can be denied due to criminal records, past immigration violations, or health-related issues, such as certain communicable diseases.
Lack of financial support: If you cannot demonstrate that you have sufficient financial support, it may lead to your application being denied.
It is important to understand why your application was denied so you can understand how to proceed.
If My Application Is Denied, What Can I Do?
The moment your application is denied, you should contact an immigration lawyer to review your case, clarify the reason you were denied, and determine whether you can appeal the decision. You might consider making an appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), requesting a motion to reopen or reconsider, or applying for a waiver of inadmissibility Anyone wishing to immigrate to the United States facing application denials should meet with a lawyer to understand the facts of their case and understand how to proceed.
If your application was denied because of minor errors or missing documents, you might be able to reapply. However, you should ensure that the reason you were denied last time is addressed before you submit a new application.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a DuPage County, IL Immigration Lawyer
If you hope to make your immigration status official, speak with an experienced Itasca, IL immigration attorney before moving forward. At Unzueta Law Group, P.C., we have helped many other people in your shoes obtain their best outcome. We are dedicated to helping families overcome obstacles so they can begin living their lives. Call us at 630-509-2363 to schedule a consultation. Se habla espanol.

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