What to Do When You Face Deportation
Being threatened with deportation - or “removal,” as it is now commonly called - can be terrifying. There is likely a good reason you left your home country for the relative safety and stability of the United States. If you are removed, your likelihood of being legally allowed back into the U.S. is slim. Removal proceedings can be started for various reasons, including an expired visa or a criminal conviction. The most important thing you can do to protect yourself if you are threatened with deportation is to find an aggressive DuPage County, IL removal defense lawyer to represent you.
Removal Based on Criminal Convictions
American citizens might face jail time if they are convicted of a crime, but immigrants who have not yet become naturalized citizens could be removed from the country. Not all criminal convictions will result in deportation proceedings. It is not always clear which crimes make someone deportable. There is no precise list of crimes that equal instant removal.
This means that there is often room for your attorney to argue that your particular conviction does not warrant removal. Your attorney might be able to defend you by arguing that you are not a threat to anyone or that your conviction was not serious enough to deport you.
Removal Based on Expired Visas
In some cases, a lawyer can help you show the court that there was a good reason your visa expired and help you seek prompt renewal to prevent deportation. If you have been a good member of society so far, you may also be able to pursue an adjustment of status to become a legal permanent resident.
Removal Based on Illegal Entry
People who are found to have entered the country unlawfully can be deported. You may be able to request asylum if you face persecution due to a protected trait in your home country, such as if you might be sent to jail for your political or religious beliefs.
Why You Need an Attorney
Immigration is an incredibly complicated legal matter. It takes the skill, training, and knowledge of an experienced attorney to identify the best possible removal defense strategy. Your lawyer will need to consider a large number of factors, including how long you have been in the U.S., your family situation, what would happen if you returned to your home country, and how you have served as a good member of your community in the U.S.
Contact a DuPage County, IL Removal Defense Attorney
Unzueta Law Group, P.C. is committed to protecting people who are being threatened with deportation. Our experienced Itasca, IL deportation defense lawyers have dedicated their careers to helping immigrants. Contact us at 630-509-2363 for a confidential consultation. Hablamos Español.

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